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New GRE Format from August 2011

ETS is introducing new GRE—the GRE revised General Test—from August 2011. Furthermore, if you take the GRE between August 1 and September 30, 2011, you’ll receive a discount of 50%. However, ETS says that GRE scores of candidates who take the test between the above months will be sent only by mid-November 2011.

Here’s a peek into the features of the new GRE revised General Test:

User-friendly Format

An on-screen calculator for the quantitative section, ability to modify answers, questions that are better oriented toward testing skills required for graduate and business school success are just some of the exciting features in the new GRE revised General Test.

More info at:

Changes in GRE Test Questions

Verbal Reasoning:

More emphasis on reading. Antonyms and analogies will be thing of the past with the new format.

Text completion questions require you to fill your own words or phrases.

Sentence completion questions tests how you complete a sentence, with your answer having synergy with the overall sentence.

Reading comprehension section may have questions that require more than one correct answer, or highlighting a sentence as the correct answer in a passage.

Sample questions at:

Quantitative Reasoning:

Emphasis on questions on data-interpretation and real-world situations.

Questions that may have more than one correct answer.

Some questions require you type your answer in a box, rather than selecting the solution from answer choices.

Sample questions at:

More info at:

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